Run for Memory of Nations
Run with your family. Run with your friends. Run alone. Run with us. Run anywhere. Run for those who didn’t give up. Run for Memory of Nations. In May 2025 will be celebrating the 10th Run for Memory of Nations – an outstanding social event supporting the documentation of the testimonies of the 20th and 21st century. May the stories of the Memory of the Nations’ heroes inspire us to persevere, to keep fit, and to overcome ourselves. May our feet bear the courage, dedication and tenacity of World War II veterans, RAF pilots, concentration camp survivors, resistance participants at home and abroad, former political prisoners, dissidents. Thank you for running with us.
Who are we?
We are Post Bellum, a Czech-based NGO founded in 2001, co-creator of the Memory of Nations, which contains more than 17,000 published witnesses’ testimonies on the totalitarian regimes of the 20th and 21st century. The voices of war veterans, Holocaust survivors, political prisoners, and generally speaking of all those who didn’t give up, are resounding from Memory of Nations and its educational and documentary projects towards wide public worldwide. What can they inspire us to do? To persevere, to have endurance, to overcome our weaknesses. In a race, we are only fighting for the best time – they were fighting for their lives, their honor, and their freedom. The Run for Memory of Nations is being accompanied by concerts and several educational and entertainment activities for the whole family.
Why do we organize Run for Memory of Nations?
Although our run is more likely symbolic, your contribution is absolutely crucial for our work. Covering your registration fee, you’ll help to document more testimonies upon crucial historical phenomena, and thus to preserve them for the upcoming generations.We execute a great number of projects upon the Memory of Nations archive – we organize educational workshops, expositions, create TV and radio documentaries, publish books… using the Memory of Nations’ testimonies as a warning against the totalitarian regimes. Because meanwhile we’re running just for the best time, our witnesses were often running for their lives, honor and freedom.
Where do we run?
We run in several Czech cities (see the map with specific dates). Join us, it will be a splendid day full of cultural programs and a great common focus on a good thing. Just register yourself, think about for whom are you gonna run, and see you at the starting line!
Can I run abroad / alone?
Is it too far away for you? Or do you simply prefer to run alone? You live abroad? No worries, you actually don’t need to be present in the Czech Republic to be able to run with us.
You can run for those who didn’t give up ANYWHERE (by selecting the possibility of “KDEKOLI!” in the registration process). Afterwards, we’ll send you your registration number via email. Run anytime and anywhere between 1st and 31st May 2024. The registration fee starts at 400 CZK (about 16 EUR). For this amount of money, we’re able to record, edit, process and publish about 20 minutes of a testimony.
We’re a group willing to join
Are you and your friends or colleagues runners? Then we’ve got a Group Challenge for you at the upcoming Run for Memory of Nations! Build a 4-member team and come to run for those, whose stories were to be forgotten. Put your sneakers on during the month of May (anywhere and anytime) and upload your kilometers online, this way you can compete virtually with other departments of your company and other companies‘ teams! And be sure that your effort will definitely help to document new testimonies for the Memory of Nations archive!
This special Group Package provides you with the complete starting pack for 4 people, logo of the company / group for which you run, and starting fee at one of the public Runs. Just contact us at firmy@behpropametnaroda.cz. We’ll be happy to tell you more.
Do you need more information? Contact us!